This girl right here? Her name is Ginger. She is the best dog alive.
Yesterday was Ginger's birthday. She is one year old. We decided that we would have a party. With hats!

She was thrilled, as you can see.

After a while, she was totally in to it! She was rocking that hat!
I also decided that, since it was her birthday (and okay, that's being generous, I really give her a whole lot of what she wants...all the time), that she could have some cake! Woot!

Ginger says, "Mmm. Hello? What's this?"
(Note the boy child, holding her back so I could take the picture)

Here she is, eating her cake.
And...twenty seconds later...

The plate is completely clean.
She? Is a wonder dog. I didn't know it was possible to love an animal as much as I love that puppy.
To the moron who left this beautiful dog by the side of the road when she was a tiny little baby? Thank you for being an idiot. I paid $100 at the local animal shelter for her and she is worth a million dollars to me.
Yeah! Happy birthday ginger baby!!!
She is SO CUTE. I just want to scritch her right between the ears. Happy Birthday, Ginger!
She's a beauty and seems like a total sweetie. I'm a sucker for a puppie and the people she loves.
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