Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Envy me- I'm in a conference this week.

Not just ANY conference, mind you! A work conference. Woo!

Needless to say, by 10am I had downed three Diet Pepsi's and I still felt my head bobbing a bit.

However? The best part of the day? Was when the girl who was assigned to set up our teleconference said to the entire freaking crowd

"Can you'uns hear us?"



Unknown said...

HaHa....a freakin' bidet!! And, it's even more haha because it's in the middle of the damn room!!

SJINCO said...

A bidet, they make me laugh. And in the middle of the room? Hmmm, major design flaw. But a bidet? Hilarious.

Emma in Canada said...

That is an odd sort of place for one. Personally, I think they should be available in all maternity wards. If there's ever a time when can be used,it's after popping out a baby.

Denise said...

Oh gross!

frannie said...

gotta love guvment spending

Alpha Dude said...

But the government DID spend a bunch of money on those particular fixtures. They are right out in the open so the only explanation is that they are part of a "fountain sculpture".

Think of it as "ART".

Now don't you wish you'd have taken that picture?

Anonymous said...

LOL...too funny!

I found your blog via [url=http://www.motherhood-unscripted.com/]Christy Sturm's[/url] blog...she mentioned what a great and awesome blogger you are and she was absolutely right!

I am bookmarking you now!!!

Kelly said...

OMG that is hilarious! When I went to Japan I was introduced to the Bidet! The funny part was..I had no friggin clue what it was..and my friend (who is japanese) had to explain what the heck all the buttons were for! haha No I never used it..the buttons were in Japanese...I was afraid I would hit the wrong button!

Em said...

Door or no door, that whole bidet thing always seemed like a bad idea. Seems like you're just sitting down on a hose. How you gonna dry that off!?!?

my4kids said...

That is weird. Really I mean with no door who's gonna use it. Seems you would have undress a bit more then normal going to the bathroom. Besides like Em said how do you dry off. Drip dry just doesn't seem like it would be enough.
I have never seen one around here though

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Ditto to what Emma said!

'cause my brain is mush and I'm so not feeling original right now. =P

EE said...

come on, admit it...you tried it, didn't you?????

Amy W said...

Where in the heck do you live? :)

Dawn~a~Bon said...

Oh! I wondered where you were (no superfun emails!) Well, that sounds like almost too much fun to handle. If you get too sleepy listening to the teleconference, you can always go to the restroom and get a cold shot of life to your nether regions! Fantastic!

dennis said...

let's think about this for a moment...
1- you're were at a Chemical Management conference and the best that you could score was Diet Pepsi??

2- Gov't building, bidet, no privacy...
Sounds like a case of 'Modern Art' to me! :)

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Um, yeah, that is kinda wierd, but it's Tennessee right?

Anonymous said...

Dude! I really can't even wrap my brain around that. You know there had to be at the very least 10 people involved in the bathroom design decision making. Not one of them stepped up and said, hey maybe this is a dumb idea!?

Patiently waiting said...

A bidet??? Gross! You'uns gotta love that southern slang, lol. Where do you live again? I'm from the South, but I will never forget when my father in law said "It's yourn's" haha. Sorry you have to go to a boring conference :-(

HeatherAnn Fragglehead said...

"You'uns". That's great. I've only heard my family from New Orleans use that word.

Also, a bidet with no door? In a public restroom? Now, if I was in a hotel suite that one, I might be inclined to give it a try just to say that I tried it. But in public? No, thankyouverymuch.

Anonymous said...

Ditto on Emma from Canada's comment. That's exactly when a bidet is of REAL use--after blowing a baby out of your vagina. Oh, no. They just give you a little squirty bottle and some hazel witch pads and Benzacaine, or whatever the heck that stuff is. A man must have designed hospitals AND that bathroom you were in. "Why would a woman need a door? We don't!" Pfffft.

alissa said...

That's gotta be the strangest thing I've heard... I mean really, who says you'uns?

Seriously though... a bidet in a public washroom???? So obviously designed by a room full of men. I guess if they don't have doors on their urinals, who are we to think we're so special?

I've got to wonder how many levels of approval this design had to pass through before being given the go-ahead...

Gerbil said...

pinto beans and taters sounds like the South's answer to Bubble and Squeak. And uh... bwah-hah. Public bidets. AWESOME.

Anonymous said...

I was reading on wikipedia that they can also be used to wash your feet, or your baby. Still ... it probably never gets used.

Anonymous said...

I for one will not wash my baby in the same place I'm supposed to wash my anus.

But that's just me.

Maybe if you're the type of person who'd use a bidet at work, you don't give a hoot about privacy.

Real Life in South Carolina said...

Are you making this up? Seriously. A bidet in the bathroom? I don't think I'd use a bidet in the privacy of my own bathroom, but in a public one? Eewwwwe!