Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Biltmore! But no pictures, because I suck.

I forgot my camera.


We were halfway there and I said to Jason, "Oh my frog, I forgot my camera!"

And he said, "You? YOU? You who documents every waking moments of our lives with your trusty Kodak Easyshare forgot her camera?"

Then I wanted to cry.

But they actually won't let you take pictures INSIDE the Biltmore, so it was okay.

For those who were curious, here's a brief recap of where we went, which was The Biltmore house in Asheville, NC.

The Biltmore house is the largest privately owned home in America. It's 175,000 square feet of living space on 8000 acres. I'm actually not exaggerating, those are the real numbers.

Here's a description from the website, which calls the house, "A Real Live Castle":

Be inspired by the relaxed elegance of George and Edith Vanderbilt's 250-room family home and country retreat in Asheville, NC. Discover original art from masters such as Renoir, magnificent 16th-century tapestries, Napoleon's chess set, a library with 10,000 volumes, a Banquet Hall with a 70-foot ceiling, 65 fireplaces, an indoor pool, bowling alley, and priceless antiques. Opened to friends on Christmas Eve 1895, this French Renaissance chateƔu remains America's largest privately owned home.

An indoor bowling alley. Seriously. It was awesome.

It was beautiful and amazing. The restaurant, DeerPark, was beautiful and amazing and the food was delicious. The hotel was beautiful and amazing and they gave us the Honeymoon suite and it was all beautiful and amazing.

It must have been really good because I've said beautiful and amazing like, 100 times.

Best of all, really, honestly, best of all? We walked around everywhere like we really WERE newlyweds. We aren't exactly oldieweds or anything, but we've been married almost five years now. This was the first time since our actual honeymoon that we had been anywhere alone. And our honeymoon was so brief. Like, three days or something.

We had the best time. The BEST time.


Angie said...

I am so happy for you guys. It's awesome, isn't it?

Mark took me over there a couple years ago for our anniversary. . .Dec 30. This year, I'm serious as a heart attack, we're going to the Turkey Creek area. We just need to get away. Doesn't have to be fancy.

But, Biltmore was so cool. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

: )

frannie said...

you sound like Katie Holmes talking about her relationship with Tom Cruise!

so happy for you!!!!!!!!

Denise said...

Oh Frannie gag!! Please dont compare the two. I hate that Katie is with Tom, because serioulsly? He sucks major ass. Ok so Chick why did you go there again? I am so happy for you despite the ugly comparison to Tom cat gag!

1 plus twins said...

thanks for stopping by my blog! that house is just beautiful!

Mauigirl said...

I've always wanted to go to the Biltmore ever since I heard about it in a historic preservation class I took. I hope to get there one of these days!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh Chick! I'm all teary with happiness for you!

Unknown said...

I. AM. JEALOUS!! Haha. But I am glad that you had an amazing time.

Lizarita said...

JEALOUS! LUCKY! I dated a guy a long time ago that took me there one time and we got to the gates of the place and I was pissy (about something stupid I'm sure) and I told him to turn around and drive back home because I wasn't going in there. STUPID STUPID ME!
So glad you guys had fun!

Anonymous said...

Sounds beautiful. And amazing.


dennis said...

Nice vaca spot!!


Sleeping Mommy said...

I cannot begin to express just how JEALOUS I am right now. Yes. THAT jealous.

Sleeping Mommy

Shea said...

Oh wow, i'm envious. Actual mini-vacation time away from your kids. just, wow.

I went to the Biltmore when I was about 10 years old. I wanted a library like that so bad I couldn't stand it. I was a bookworm then and still am now! The whole place was so cool.

Edie said...

I LOVE the Biltmore. My husband and I went there on our first and second wedding anniversaries. It's so beautiful and romantic. I hope to get back there some day and stay at the Inn... we've never stayed there, but it's SO beautiful!!

Did you do the rooftop tour? We did that one time and my husband realized exactly how afraid of heights he really was!! Too funny!!!

Glad you had a great time.

Dreamer said...

I'm somewhere between jealous and happy for you guys. Probably both at the same time. :) It's beautiful! (And amazing) :) Glad you guys had a wonderful time, sorry you forgot your camera. :)

CPA Mom said...

oh, how I miss the Biltmore. When I lived in Asheville, I had a year round pass...which hotel did you stay at? I'm sorry about your camera too. Isn't Asheville amazing? I almost still wish I lived there. Almost.

Happy Anniversary!

Unknown said...

I would be totally green with envy if I wasn't so happy for you!

Happy Anniversary and Congratulations on five years :D

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

I am so happy for you guys!! You both totally deserved a weekend together and I am so glad that it was perfect!

Anonymous said...


Just wow!
Sounds like it was a blast:).

Anonymous said...

I love Biltmore! Could never see it enough times. Can you imagine living like that? Those gardens are spectacular.

That Jason? I think you've definitely found a keeper!

Krissie said...

I loved Biltmore too. Asheville is my favorite place ever. I did the candlelight tour the weekend before you did. I hated that we couldn't take any pictures!
If you ever go back and need dining suggestions, we've got the town covered.

TheOneTrueSue said...

Oh my gosh, all my great loves all in one place - touring houses, hotels, time away from the kids. You so lucky...

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Asheville and lived there up until a couple of years ago, but I didn't go to the Biltmore House until I was 26 years old. I SO loved it and have no idea what took me so long!

I'm glad you had a wonderful time. :-)

Fine For Now said...

We went to the Biltmore for our honeymoon but didn't stay in the hotel.

Soo glad you guys had a great time!


SJINCO said...

Oh that place looks fantastic. I would have been in heaven.....and by the sounds of it - you were.

Glad you had a good time.