Sunday, December 02, 2007

I? Am nervous.

Today I was going to post more crap about being lonely and how I am struggling with the concept of normal, but I got a phone call that scared the crap out of me. So, clearly, if you are reading this? It's your lucky day.

Remember how I'm one of those people who like to move around a lot and do a lot of different things and never stays in the same place very long?

And remember how I said I applied for a job in Kentucky?

And remember how I kind of forgot about even applying since I hadn't heard from them for a while?

(Okay, you couldn't have remembered that, but stay with me)

They called me. Today. On a Sunday. To see if they could interview me tomorrow.

And when I explained I don't live in their state they immediately offered to do a phone interview.

I? Feel like puking.


Unknown said...

wooohoo! Good luck, Chick! Knock 'em dead!

Tricia said...

Wow! I kind of like the out of nowhere suprises like this. I don't have enough time to think it through and second guess myself.

Good luck!

CPA Mom said...

wowsa! Kentucky, huh? What's the job? More $?


I grew up in Kentucky...lived in several places during and after college...if you like horrible weather I would definately advise moving there! Basically, from June-August..sweltering humidity, September is nice, then October-February...cold weather and no sun, then in March it begins to rain..every day..until June...when the sweltering humidity begins again....oh and it SNOWS in the winter...ALOT.

Other than that, the people are the nicest, most friendly people you will meet anywhere, and the cost of living is really good, too.

You must be very very qualified for the position if they want to interview you so quickly! Perhaps there won't be stupid people at your new job...ok wait you said it was in Kentucky...yup, the stupid are there...but at least they are really nice and friendly...Good luck tommorrow in your interview

dawn224 said...

Good luck! Kentucky is okay - better than say, Arizona and Minnesota weatherwise. :)

Dreamer said...

Good luck! WooHOO! :) :)

SJINCO said...

WOOOOOT! Woot! Woot!

Congratulations on the call back / phone interview.

Give em' your best! You can do it :)

frannie said...

good luck!!!! I'm crossing everything for you!!!!

BS said...

Best of luck with the interview. You will dazzle them for sure because you are AWESOME.

Urban Daddy said...

Best of luck, just remember the key questions they normally ask and think of non-nerdy answers ahead of time, like what are your strengths and weaknesses and name a situation when you went above and beyond the call of duty..

Angie said...

Go for it! But if you get it. . . . we have got to meet at the Aubrey's in Farragut or at Puleo's on Cedar Bluff before you move. I can't handle not meeting you in person.

: )

EE said...

Good luck, Chick!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Chick -- you'll be FINE! You can do it. And I'm sure you'll fly through the phone interview with flying colours!

Bunny said...

I am nervous for you! This could be exciting! Be yourself and they will love you!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

WOOT! Good luck!! And, if you DO puke? It's all good--they can't see it :)

Patiently waiting said...

Hey, if you get the job then you could get out of that neighborhood. Sounds like a win, win to me. Knock 'em dead :-)

Edie said...

Oh WOW!! You go girl!! Good Luck with the interview!!

M said...

This is exciting. One step at a time. See how the interview goes. See if you're offered a job. See if it's worth the offer.

Yeah for being worthy though! Weren't you just complaining about getting no call backs? xoxoxox