Monday, December 03, 2007

It did not go well.

No. It did not. In fact? It went quite badly. In fact? I referred to it as "45 minutes of hell".

But, really? That's okay. No seriously. It is.

I did my best, I answered honestly. They probably won't want me, but I don't want them either, so it's all good.

On the extremely remote chance they did call and offer me a job, I would say no. I don't need to leave one bad situation and go into another bad situation.

And? I got another call, about another job today. So I don't feel so desperate and achy about the whole thing.

I'm not that bummed, really. I did my best and that's all I could do.

Also? It would be really hard for me to work with people with absolutely NO sense of humor whatsoever.

I'm just saying.


BS said...

Only you would know whether you would be comfortable at that place ... 1st impressions are important. Don't feel bad - you got another offer. Maybe this one will feel right. Good Luck.

frannie said...

this was just a warm up or practice shot... to prepare you for when it is the right place.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Talk about a close call. You're not looking for just any job at any place. You've got one of those already. You're looking for a BETTER job at a BETTER place with BETTER people. Might take some shopping around, but it's worth whatever stress and hassle to get there.

Wow. I just solved my house hunting problem. Same answer. Coolness.

Angie said...

Well, that means you're staying in "my neck o'the woods" for the time being, right?


Bunny said...

Oh, well. You were yourself, honest, straightforward. Clearly this wasn't the thing for you. But maybe it planted the little seed that something will come along at some point for you and this is getting you used to the idea.

Just saying.

Twisted Cinderella said...

I am sorry it didn't work out. But as you said, if it wasn't a good fit, it wasn't good enough for you.

Adventures in Baby Fat said...

At least you know! At least your feelings are wishy-washy. There is something to be said for that.

It sounds like balls are rolling though. Maybe change will be in the air! Maybe God is just going to throw you something really wonderful that you can holler about!!

Anonymous said...

I hope your 45 minutes of hell was the necessary evil on the way to the 45 minutes of great with the second one.


oh crap, i forgot to mention lack of whimsical/sarcastic sense of humor....stupid kentucky...don't go there!

however...omg...i might be becoming one of your sycophants...we get sarcasm up here in Vegas...

ps what does jason do for a living again?

Amy W said...

You need to stay where you are until I come to where you live and visit you. Unless you want to move back to NC :).

Anonymous said...

Sorry it didn't go well, others have said: no point in leaving one craptastic place to be at another. People are tools!

Edie said...

Sorry it didn't go well. :( But look at this as a learning experience. It was a good practice exercise and you'll be ready for the next one!

Dreamer said...

Sorry it didnt go well. But atleast you didn't go all the way up there for an interview. Right? :) Good luck on your next interview!

Emma in Canada said...

Better to have a shitty interview than to have had a good one and taken the job only to find out it really was the shits. I'm in a swearing frame of mind, sorry.

M said...

At least htere's no what ifs.

Now...westward HO!!!! ( in the phrase 'westward ho' which i never comprehended and ho. as in bitches and hos. xox)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, trust your gut on this one and steer clear!!!! Because I've taken jobs before that I had bad interviews for and lived to really, really regret it.

Oh well! Jobs are like men. When you lose a bad one, it means that a great one is right around the corner.

Unknown said...

Working for the humorless would suck big time. At least you won't have some big scary decision hanging over your head for the holidays now. You should totally come back to KNOW where.
We could do lunch...hehehe.

SJINCO said...

Sorry it didn't go well, but then again I'm not if you are okay with it. You can just chaulk that up to a practice run...

Good luck!

Jocelyn said...

Och. Tough crud, eh?

It's hard to be sort of okay with not rocking them out...while still wanting to have the feeling of having dazzled them, so you can turn them down.