Look at these paintings my brother did for their rooms:
This one is Girl Child's. It's Courage, the Cowardly Dog.
And Boy Child's? Yoshi.
One of my favorite things to get, ever, for any reason, is a card.
I know that is so lame and girlesque. But it is true. I love cards. I love really thoughtful cards. Not like this one time when my husband gave me a card that said, "You're a really good friend to me" and I was all like, "Dude, could you at least READ the card before you buy it?" Since then, he's done a lot better.
On Christmas Eve, Boy Child and Girl Child each gave me a card. Here is Boy Child's:
Here is the one from Girl Child. She's a bit like me. Glib.
Jason gave me not one, not two, but THREE cards. Three! In each card was a giftcard.
The first card was very romantic. Inside was a Lane Bryant giftcard, which I know is not very romantic, but I'm fat and I like the clothes there, so to me? That's romance. Here's the first card:
Then, the second card said something about, "I know I'm a typical guy and sometimes I forget to tell you how much you mean all the time" or some crap. Here's the card and what he wrote on the inside:
Now that? Cute. Inside that card was a gift card to Bath and Body Works. Whee!
The third card? Well, I'll just let you see.
Now that? Funny. Especially coming from him since he's so darn appropriate. In that card was a gift certificate to a local Mexican restaurant that I love. He, being a huge freak, does not eat Mexican food. So this made me mucho grande happy. Or whatever.
As suspected, the large Bath and Body Works bag did indeed contain Bath and Body Works products and not, you know, a bicycle. The scent I always get is Sweet Pea, so I knew what that would be too. But I didn't know what it would all look like and what basket he would get me this year. Really, I'm not complaining. I love the stuff. So here's the rest of the loot:
The Pop culture game was from my older sister. It's an oddly appropriate gift since I adore Pop Culture and she just got the same game for everyone and has no idea that I would have liked it. But I will kick everyone's butt at this game. This is for sure.
My parents arrived yesterday and gave me a Corningware dish, a Snowman pin (?), and two Old Navy giftcards. Which rocks.
My younger sister gave me gifts at Thanksgiving. She gave me some Christmasy pot holders, some really yummy smelling candles, and a gift card for Target.
Can you tell I really like giftcards? I do!
My brother's gift to me was pretty cool, albeit significantly less cool than those paintings. It was an Ionic breeze air purifier. One of those small ones.
Oh and my great-grandmother sent me a check for $10, as she does every year. In the card was two one dollar bills, one for Boy Child and one for Girl Child. I adore her.
So yeah. I'm really lucky.
Isn't it fun to be a loot whore?
These folks have agreed to whore with me, so go visit these whores and see what they got!
I love Frannie
Maybe J. Her internet is being a dick.
The lovely and talented Angie
Julie, Julie, Julie
These nice folks: Karen and Bill
Y'all go visit Robyn
J is for Joey
The ever-amazing Rebecca
She's Much More than a Mom and her baby's due like any minute! (Good luck!!)
She thinks I'm cool, God love her, so go see Heather!
theotherbear not the Other one.
She's already done it, so go look at Wenderina. She posted nice stuff about giving to less fortunate people instead of just being a whore like me.
From the Planet of Janet
My sweet Tiger Lamb Girl
It's just Never That easy is it?
The very kind Priscilla
SJ is swimming in testosterone.
She's already done it, she's so darn cute, her name is Megan!
Go see A's mom and, presumably, A.
Maybe my girl Emma who has a computer which is also being a dick.
The delightful BlueTissueBox.
If I've left you out or gotten your link wrong, let me know. If you've decided you want to whore too, email me and I'll try (no promises! I have an extremely small amount of life to live today!) to link you in today.
RUN to Old Navy...they are having a HUGE sale.
LOVE the paintings! Love them so much I want him to paint something for Morgan's room. Not sure what. How much would he charge?!
Gift cards rule. I specifically said "gift cards, please" anytime someone asked what I wanted. It's easier for them and it's a sure bet I will get what I want.
Instead? I got a truckload of candles that I won't burn because scented crap wigs my nose out and a ton of scrapbooking supplies. Which is great.
If I, ya know, was THAT into scrapping.
You can fit into Old Navy clothes????
Then you are SO not fat!!!
See my post on "Things that make you go Why?" I think you will enjoy my post on Lane Bryant. I like their stuff, too, but I did comment on their models. They are SO not fat.
Thanks for whoring your loot! I'm off to do mine, too. :-)
cool loot. mine is up now.
and the paintings? cooler than cool. awesomer than awesome.
I didn't whore my loot (because there really wasn't much to whore on our budget), but I did whore out the Punkins stuff.
Merry Christmas!
(pun intended)
It's up there. Of course, you know me. . .I had to also "whore" the stuff I gave to people at the end.
You know. . .Live Aid. . Hands Across America. . .all that "love your neighbor" stuff!
I love it all I GOT was a card.
Gifts from the heart are so much better than the stuff you buy from a store.
You are truly blessed.
Great gifts! I absolutely love that you give each other cards for Christmas. I think that should be a new tradition that we share so that we remind each other how much we are grateful for the ones that we love in addition to the goodies that are under the tree!
Ditto Old Navy! Get thee hence! I bought two sweaters there yesterday for like $12 each and a fancy-pants DRESS to wear to the PLAY we're going to next month!
I am lusting over the B&BW Sweet Pea candle. Lust! You got some great loot there sistah!
I love gift cards too! And pop culture and Bath and Body Works!
The cards were fantastic and it sounds like you all had a great Christmas. Which is awesome.
And um, I haven't whored myself out YET - but I will tonight. Stupid work is preventing me from doing so - I swear.
I'm going to whore my loot now, sans pictures because that is just playing with fire.
Those paintings are great!
I sort of whored my loot but in a really lame way because I forgot to take photos and now I'm at work. So I will add them in a few hours (when I realise nobody is going to notice if I go home because hardly anyone's here).
I did not get mine done today-- because I suck.
hehe I posted about my Christmas and gifts before I read your post.
I didn't post pics yet though because I can't seem to find my camera!
Hey, my caucasian! I'm so glad you had a great Christmas! I miss you terribly.... And I? Accept your Pop Culture challenge. Or we could team up and kick the butts of others. Ooh, ooh! We could try out for the World Series of Pop Culture even! I'll think of a good team name (such as Sax-a-ma-phone or Live John Hughes Film), you work out the logistics. Get back to me on this, would ya? Smooches!
Wow..that's a whole lotta whorin' in one post!
Great Cards from your kids..that is sooo veryyy cute!!
Old Navy is way great!! Have fun using those gift cards.
And I was really hoping against hope for you that there was a new car in that B&B bag. Perhaps another year!
Gawd, but I love this idea, the whole whoring of the loot. I'm too late, I fear, to join in, but maybe next year. Or maybe sometime randomly during this next year.
You and the cards? So funny. I hate cards, but you about make me like them.
I want, by the way, to be on your Pop Culture team. Once Jamie Lynn Spears is actually for certain about the father of her baby, I'll be the first to know, and I'll be happy to cough up that information when we play your new game. I will get us big points.
I promise, I'm going to whore my loot soon. The memory stick isn't playing ball at the moment. So all -- ALL - our Xmas photos are being held captive!
We're gonna take it to one of those digital photo places and *hopefully* they will be able to salvage the photos and tell us what's wrong with the damn stick.
Cool pressies, Chick -- especially the cards which made me go 'awwww' like eleventy times or so.
By the way? Thanks for 'hosting' this - I had a great read of all the participants tonight.
Hey - I took new photos of my loot, but haven't managed to get them off the (new) memory stick yet. My post'll probably be up tomorrow. MAYBE tonight...but that depends if I can successfully tear myself away from watching Lost Season 3 which I gave my husband for Xmas. He really does love it as much as me (really, I'm not even exaggerating one little bit. I'm SERIOUS).
You GO Girl!!! I LOVE your writing style...you do make me laugh!! Lane Bryant rocks...I agree...and as a former BBW worker...I love their stuff too. Of course the discount was a huge plus! Oh, and gift cards, can't beat 'em!! It's like getting two presents...one, you get to unwrap the card, and then you get a whole EXPERIENCE of a shopping trip as a gift! Can't beat it!!
We got the photo problem sorted and NOW my Whored Loot is posted:)!
What a TERRIFIC Christmas!!
I, too, love a good card. Dave and I always give each other a Christmas card on Christmas day. Beleive it or not, he started that tradition. I thought it was weird at first and now it's one of the highlights of my Christmas!!
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