Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Mother of the Year.

Today, Boy Child and I were driving to pick up Girl Child and some guy talking on his cell phone drifted into our lane.

I honked at him and muttered, "Jerk"

The guy flipped a bird.

Boy Child said, mockingly, "Ooh! Look at me! I'm a big douchebag! I have to flip off women because my penis is so small!"

I laughed hysterically, of course, because I'm wildly inappropriate and then I said, "I don't want to hear about anyone's penis honey."

And he said...

"Except Daddy's."

Put that one in your book.


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Gah! The brilliance of that boy still manages to catch me off guard somehow.

I just snorted!

Anonymous said...

You son is one of the funniest people I know of. He's going to make some woman a wonderful husband some day. And I mean that.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats great! I just choked on my coke i was drinking. LOL. Guess what Catherine did today? Well background, we had bought some "toys" and got one free, a small little nothing of a toy and we lost it somewhere before we even used it. Today catherine brought it to me and asked me what it was. LMAO thank goodness it wasn't anything that was obvious. I just said it was something of her dads and she should ask him!! HAHA

Ry said...

oh my gosh, he's too funny!

Jenski said...

That's the kind of stuff that brightens your day, I bet! I definitely just got a good laugh out of it. :)

Tricia said...

Oh my God! I laughed so hard I choked. Like I said, Boy Child rocks!

Hope today was better than yesterday. Although, I am taking it that your son yelling at the douchebag in the car next to you beats cleaning up dog crap.

Patiently waiting said...


frannie said...

cracking me up, that boy child is!

Anonymous said...

Sick. If I knew where you lived I would report you for child abuse.

Anonymous said...

Quick! Someone call 911 to get that stick out of anonymous's ass! It must be painful.

Boy Child? I love him. I hope mine grows up to be as brilliantly inappropriate!

Dreamer said...

Oh! Brilliant! HAHAHAHA!!! (Boy child I mean)

Anonymous-- you suck and obviously don't know what child abuse is.

Military Mom said...

LOL, now that was funny! He sounds like a riot!

Tarasview said...


Alpha Dude said...

Yep, this site nominated for Best Parenting Blog.

I voted.

katydidnot said...

best. mom. evah.

Sabrina said...

That is hysterical!

Angie said...

I love it.

velocibadgergirl said...

Your children are my inspiration. Please tell Boy Child that Princess Velocibadgergirl thinks he kicks ass.

Robyn said...

Ok..I love your kids. They are awesome!

my4kids said...

Oh man that is too funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God. LOL!!

Cricky said...

lmfao, that kid cracks me up.

Daphne said...

OMGah! How funny!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sure that makes work seem millions of miles away when you get to be entertained by Boy Child!

Jill said...

my husband thought it was really funny. glad anon could share with us the stick up his/her ass. sure, that's a little advanced language for the apparent age of your child, but whatever, it's a smart comment, shows intelligence and humor, oh and i bed anon is a guy with a small penis, that's what he was pissed off about!

Sarcasta-Mom said...

LMAO. That was the best part of my whole day. You go boy child!

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Boy-child is hilarious!!!!!

Anonymous must have a small penis. So sad. They have pills for that now.

Anonymous said...

Did you hear that, Chick?
That was me, coughing my glass of wine through my nose. Omg. *my sides hurt*

Squishy Tushy said...

OMG... OMG... OMG!!!

I would have pee'd in my pants right there & then in the driver's seat.

In fact, I think I did a little right here at my computer chair.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! How do you live with such funny people and not get side cramps from laughing so hard? :)

Ditto on Alpha Dude's comment. (Not really, but the sentiment is shared--not the actual voting. Yet.)

SJINCO said...

That? Was hilarious. Love you guys.

EE said...

I love that your kids know what a douchebag is and know how to use the term appropriately!

McQty said...

OHG, that's so funny. Great Kid !!!