Sunday, October 12, 2008

I love you. Go away.

Is it bad that when Jason said to me, "I'm going to be gone on your birthday, I'm sorry" the only thing I could think was, "He's going to be gone! Yay! I can have mexican food!"?

That's probably bad. Right?

I love him. I adore him. And sometimes I really like it when he's not here.

I really like having the bed to myself. I really like taking my time when I take a walk. I really like having a long, hot bath and not having to worry about the water. I like having the ability to do laundry whenever I want. I like having mexican food, in the living room, with the television on. I like NOT watching any news and ONLY watching crap like Lifetime Television and WE.

I don't want him gone forever. But I find two or three days at a time of him being gone to be quite enjoyable.

Maybe I suck. Maybe I'm normal.

Either way.

Mexican at my house this week! Woot!


emily said...

I find this TOTALLY normal! I need a small break.

Happy Birthday! Happy Mexican Food!

BandK said...

I totally get how you feel. I love my husband and all that? But I seriously love me some "me time" and all that goes with it. Watching whatever you want on TV, doing whatever you want whenever you want. LOVE it. Wouldn't want it that way all the time? But for a few days? Heaven! Have fun. I get a few days to myself this week too. Woot!!

BS said...

You are definitely normal !! Enjoy the mexican food and your birthday too ! Happy Birthday !!

the planet of janet said...

TOTALLY normal ... when we were first married, my husband used to work out of town a lot and i HATED it. now? i look forward to those days!

SJINCO said...

Um - NORMAL. I'm with you, it's nice to have peace and quiet from time to time and no one to please but yourself.

Happy Birthday to you and enjoy that Mexican food!

Anonymous said...

Totally normal. I use to LOVE when my ex went away for a week for hunting season and for another week in the Summer for a boys week on the lake. Sheer Heaven for me.

AndreAnna said...

I think you're totally, very normal. Anyone who wants to spend every waking moment with someone is either lying or crazy.

Angie said...

Yep. I've told you that you're normal before. . .this just clinches it.


J said...

I think it's normal. When D gets home I will get sick of him after a while, too. Then he will have to go to the field, and I will get time to watch whatever I want and eat ice cream in bed.

Ahh, bliss.

kristi said...

My sister is the only person I know who WANTS her hubby with her 24/7...even going shopping. UGH.

Darci said...

So very very normal. My dear husband is out of town next weekend - throw a party.

HM said...

My mans been gone all week and I've loved every moment :)

Unknown said...

I LOVE my husband. I really, really do. I love being around him. I love spending time with him.

But I also LOVE when he works nights. I love my evenings to myself. Maybe even a bit too much.

Mrs. Booms said...

Mexican food and Lifetime! Can I come?

CPA Mom said...

TOTALLY GET IT!! I love HP to pieces but my alone time? ROCKS. I'm sure he feels the same when I'm gone and he can watch his sports and yell at the t.v. in peace!!


Captain Steve said...

I'm pretty sure this is normal. I'm not married, but all married people I know really enjoy it from time to time when their spouses go away for a bit.

Yay mexican food! As long as it's GOOD mexican food and not, like Taco Bell.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

So, so normal babe. Trust me. I've done research.

Anonymous said...

Totally normal. Happy Birthday. Enjoy the mexican food, and no news watching LOL

Tricia said...

Kenny told me he thought he might have a guys night this week. He said it like I would be all dissappointed. Really, I was thinking I could watch the shows I like and order chinese food! Ahhhh...heaven! But, like hell I am letting him know that I am kind of happy to have a night to myself. Oh no. I am using that guilt to my advantage!

Stephanie said...

Either you're totally normal, or I'm just as jacked up as you are... because I totally love having the place to myself sometimes, too. And I? Also totally adore My Hubby. :)

Anonymous said...

That is so normal. My husband has been home for 2 weeks during our move and tomorrow is his first day at his new job.

I am so ready for him to go!

Devon said...

your birthday!?

Happy Birthday!

Jhianna said...

What everyone else said - totally normal. I love day one and day two, and somewhere about the middle of day three I start thinking it would be nice if he were just home already.

Oh, and Happy Birthday!