(Okay, frankly? I'm thinking this picture is kind of old. I've seen him recently and he doesn't look quite this...fresh)
So since I'm a good Christian woman I won't tell you what the conversation was, but I will tell you that when I said, "I don't really care for Antonio Banderas" the gasp in the room? Was pretty much deafening.
So. Internet. I'm admitting it. I don't care for Antonio Banderas.
You know who I like?
I like him:

Oh, and him:

(Incidentally, did you know he did a nude scene in Oz? I do too. Boy, do I)
Ooh, ooh! And him!

I've never believed I had a "type". I like people because of who they are. And all that jazz.
But, based upon these pictures? I apparently favor bald or balding men. With arm tattoos. Who are smart and can solve crimes and/or sing.
So naturally? I like him most of all:

He's got the bald thing down. And the arm tattoo. He's smart, but can't remember the clues to solve the crimes. He called me yesterday to sing that Tom Jones song, "She's a lady" (and he belted out the WHOA, WHOA, WHOA until I said, "You ARE alone in the office right now, right? I hope?"). So clearly, he's the total package.
Don't tell him though. I don't want him to get the big head.
I'm not that crazy about Antonio Banderas either.
It's saying something that I prefer him as a the cartoon cat in Shrek.
I think I like the roles that Antonio Banderas plays (ever see Zorro?) more than the man himself. Personally, I seem to be attracted to goofy, dorky men. Go figure. And yeah, I married one too (and produced two of the goofiest kids ever)...
Once upon a time I was Jello over Banderas but my type routinely changes I think.
I was goo-goo for Gerard Butler for years then I saw a clip of him agreeing how beautiful he was that turned me off. Still love Viggo which seems like forever. New ones: Simon Baker, Jared Paledecki (sp?).
Meloni and Donofrio definitely have their moments. I used to be hot for Ed Harris at one time and a bald Vin Diesel definitely is appealing.
None of which look like my talk, dark and handsome DH.
Very interesting!
Oh, I do think you want him to get "the big head"...WYC!
Just kidding! *smooches*
Sorry - I love Antonio, but as the older version that he is now and not necessarily like the above picture. I love that he loves his wife, and Puss n Boots in Shrek makes me melt! But can I point out another bald hunk - Patrick Stewart. Hubba hubba. Youth, and height, are seriously overrated!
I fell for Antonio after I saw him in Evita. I never saw what people saw in him until I saw his facial expressions, when he gets that intense look in his eyes, I just melt. But then, I have always had a thing for amazing eyes and Hispanic men.
Incidentally, dh is not Hispanic, but he does have the amazing brown eyes going for him. LOL
Eh, Antonio doesn't really do it for me either. His nose isn't big enough. I have a thing for big noses. Cause you know what a big nose means, right? Big tissues.
ITA with Reluctant Housewife!
I'm not a big fan of Mr. Banderas. At all.
So you aren't alone!
Meh he's ok. I prefer Van Diesel yummy and several on your list lol
Your hubby totally cracks me up lol.
Amen is all I've got to say...
OMG, you read my mind. As I was scrolling, I couldn't help thinking bout that nude scene in OZ, and then you said that, lol. Boy, I DO remember that and I've never forgotten and DAMN GIRL IS HE HOT OR WHAT??? All things proportionate on that man :) HOT HOT HOT!
We've got the same taste, obviously. *High five*
Smart is sexy. Rough/cop attitude is sexy. Singing is sexy (good singing anyway).. of course dancing your kid around the room singing off key until they giggle is also SUPER sexy.. I dont think I would ever put AB, or B. Pitt or even G. Clooney on my list.....
Put me alone in a room with Chris Daughtry and it is ON!!!!!!!!!!!! That man is sexay!
You should hop over to my blog and look at my hubby's picture. Everyone tells him he looks just like daughtry. HAWT!!!!
So love Jason, but really? The Law & Order guy? Sorry. Don't see it.
Oh. And for that matter... Antonio? He makes your office-mates go gaga? Who woulda thought?!
As for you not wanting to give hubs a big head...judging by the pic it's already way too late for that - but I mean that in a good way - big head hold big brains and there ain't nuthin' sexay-er than that.
Oh yes, I love me some Vince. But most of all, THE ROCK. YUMMY.
Antonio - not so much. I dont' get that.
Melanie can have Antonio. Seriously. I just want Jensen Ackles and I'll be happy. :)
your office mates can have Antonio... if i can have Sean Connery ;) and if not i'll take Tom Selleck.
and i'm stickin' to it...
don't do much in the way of TV and movies these days so i had to go way back in my memory. geez hard work!
but in all seriousness (sorry DH) the best looking man in my life right now is my Dillon (and he is my miniature donkey jack!!)
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