Thursday, August 27, 2009

Life's hard lately. Let's have some Stuff I love: August 27th, 2009 Edition!

1) My husband.

Last night we were watching Jeopardy and one of the questions was something about the painter Peter Paul Rubens. He liked the plus-sized gals so I said, "If I had been alive in his time, I would have been a GODDESS."

And he replied, "Um, Stephanie? How do you not realize you ARE a Goddess?"

I'm so not. But he's awesome, yes?

2) My story (and picture!)about my dog is in this book! Which is now available for pre-order! Heck yes!

3) You can still win this. Eco-friendly! And whatnot!

4) Okay, and finally? I got my new jeans today y'all.

And here I am:

And Oh Lord y'all. I know. The mirror. It's terrible.

It's Jason fault, I swear. I have no idea how a grown man can get SO MUCH TOOTHPASTE on the mirror. But he does.

And since this really doesn't show so much of the jeans? I had Girl Child take this:

TREMENDOUSLY blurry. But you get the idea.

I have new pants. They are smaller than my old pants. AND THEY FIT.

Now? I just need new shirts.



Don't you want to come visit me? I'm really fun.


Karin's Korner said...

Yay Stephanie! I am so proud of you, you work so hard and it is paying off. I want to be just like you when I grow uo (even if I am already older than you).

Mrs. Booms said...

Yay! You go girl.

Allie said...

Way to go, hot mama!!!!!

velocibadgergirl said...

I *DO* want to come to your house, I do!

Also, you look fantaaaaaaaaaaabulous! I'm so damn proud of you <3 xoxoxo!

Tricia said...

Check you out in your new pants! Awesome!!

And? I think you might have to keep Jason. He is almost as awesome as those new smaller pants! Or maybe even more awesome.

Unknown said...


And yes, I would love to come visit you. Maybe some day? :)

Anonymous said...

You look TERRIFIC. I love that shade of red on you.

AndreAnna said...

1) You look AWESOME
2) Is that a clock in your bathroom? Because you may be the first/only person I've ever seen do that. Unless I live in a hole and that is normal.

KrustyLynn said...

you look GREAT!! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!! and trust me...there's no greater feeling than buying smaller jeans!! :)


Hey, Steph, I'll be right over! Lookin' good!

Welcome! said...

Girlie! You look FAN-TAB-U-LUSSSS.
I've been stuck on the same number for 3 weeks now. aaaaahhhh. whatever. I'm okay with it.


Toritopia said...

You look amazing! Good for you. And yes, I would love to visit you!

Jenski said...

Yay! To all of the above and the new SMALLER fitting pants.

Elissa said...

Been reading for a while, but this is my first comment (I think - if I commented before it must not have been very meaningful, since I don't remember.) Anyway, your blog posts always make me smile - but this one made me GRIN :) Congrats on the new pants, they look fabulous!

Anonymous said...

He's right, you are a fucking goddess. I hope he knows how lucky he is.

Unknown said...

Awesome pants! Awesome YOU!

Anonymous said...

You have got to tell Jason that you got comments about his toothpaste spray. He'll be horrified. Also, it could float down and spot his socks. That would really tear him up!

Amy said...


SJINCO said...

You look fab girl! Absolutely fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I want to come visit you because you're REAL. love, V

Susan said...

Congratulations!!! It's such a great feeling to need new smaller clothes. You're doing a great job!!

Kathy said...

Your husband sounds fantastic and your new jeans look great. You look so happy in those pictures that I am sure Hubby is right - you are a goddess.

Danielle said...

I totally want to come visit you!! Your husband rocks almost as much as your new pants!!! Awesome!!!

Gerbil said...

Forget house, you totally rock the pants.

Anonymous said...

YAY you are doing sooo good, congrats on the smaller jeans!!!

Bexterrific said...

You look fantastic! I'm so proud of you!!!! :)

And I'm totally coming to visit you. Be warned.

Dawn~a~Bon said...

You look GREAT!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Woo hoo! Woo hoo! New pants! Awesome, hon!

Unknown said...

...and you look Fuh-ierce!

Isn't that what they say now-a-days?


Unknown said...

...and you look Fuh-ierce!

Isn't that what they say now-a-days?


kristi said... Jason wants to get you out of them..LOL!

Danger said...

Don't get too attached to those pants, when you lose more weight you'll have to get an even smaller pair!

Maybe you could have a slumber party, 'cause I'm not the only one wanting to visit!

Mikey said...

oooo, hey, slumber party!!! I'm there! YOU look GREAT girl! You ARE a goddess and your husband? He's the best ever.

Sarah said...

Congrats!! It is the best feeling in the world when you go down a pant size.

And I would so totally visit you!

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

You're looking really good, girl! I can really tell a difference! I would totally come visit you!

Anonymous said...

You look freakin' fabulous! I love your hair! And your jeans, which are smaller and which fit! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Oh!! So great!!


Jill said...

I hate spray on the bathroom mirror. Yuck. Why can't they aim 'down'? Anyway, how do you NOT lose your shit when you feel like you're going to? That would be a good post for you. Cause I'm about to lose my shit and I think the laptop is the only thing keeping me from losing it completely.

Nacho Lover said...

you are so adorable!

herewegokids said...

Love the pants! Jason's right! :)

M said...

Oh Stephanie you look BEAUTIFUL you always have but look at your SMILE! And, um, clothes that fit you? Look great on you.

And I want that shirt.

And I wanna knwo where you find jeans because I? Cannot find jeans I like. Anywhere.

I love you. You rock. And then some! You've worked SOOOOOO hard to lose this weight! <3

PaintedPromise said...

yay hurray for Steph!!!!! although some days i hate you... lol. because - you have inspired me to diet too. dang it. i am dying for some ice cream... or chocolate... a cookie... how about ONE LOUSY M&M!!! NO!!!!!!! i am on day 10 and sticking to it! 6 pounds down... and hoping to keep them gone!

oh yeah, and that Jason? HE'S A KEEPER!!!

Alanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wow, they look awesome!!! Great job!